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Alexandra Primary School


Why is Art and Design important?

Art and design is a foundation subject in the National Curriculum that enables children to think and act creatively. The subject equips children with the knowledge and skills to create individual and collaborative works of art, craft and design. At Alexandra, children are encouraged to think critically about their work and its links to the work of significant artists. Children are also encouraged to reflect on the ways that art and design has shaped history and contributed to cultures around the world.

Art and design allows children to develop the invaluable skills of problem solving, perseverance, focus, collaboration, dedication and accountability. Children are taught to recognise that art and design is important, that it is all around us and that they are the next generation of artists!


All children will complete three art and design units of learning a year. Each unit will focus on the process of learning and acquisition of skills, as opposed to the finished product. The teaching and implementation of our art curriculum is underpinned by the 7 elements of art: line, shape, colour, value, form, texture and space. Children are taught to develop their techniques through focused practical tasks and use them within drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, print, textiles and digital media. Inspiring, significant and contemporary artists are thoughtfully selected to reflect our school community. Knowledge organisers are shared with children and referred to throughout lessons to help secure understanding, enhance confidence and promote independence.


Learning is sequenced using the skills progression document developed by the art subject lead.

Art in the Early Years

During the EYFS the essential building blocks of art and design are established. There are regular opportunities for children to carry out art and craft activities across all areas of learning. By the end of the EYFS children should be able to:

•Explore what happens when they mix colours.

•Use simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately.

•Experiment to create different textures.

•Understand that different media can be combined to create new effects.

•Manipulate materials to achieve a planned effect.

•Use simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately.

Children will be provided with a range of art media to create and explore with. They will have the opportunity to work together to develop and realise their creative ideas. Children will develop their artistic skills, such as colour, line and texture, through imaginative and open-ended ways. Children will use their skills within different art and craft forms such as drawing, painting, collage, print and textiles. Children will be taught how to use art media safely, with care and precision, with the aim that children will develop artistic control, coordination and independence!

Our EYFS knowledge organiser can be seen below:

Overview of creative projects in EYFS


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term


Collage: Textured collages with mixed colours

Textiles and drawing: ephemeral art and drawing

Printing: printing using different materials

Overview of creative projects in KS1 & KS2

Year group

Autumn term

Spring term

Summer Term

Year 1

Painting: Mondrian painting

Collage and printing: Nebular galaxy print, moon crater collage, Planet Earth mixed media template

Drawing: Rousseau inspired tiger composition

Year 2

Drawing: dragon’s eye and Tudor house

Collage and painting: Arctic landscape

Printing and drawing: Kenyan sunset

Year 3

Drawing and painting: Colourwash pyramids with one point perspective, large scale colourwash image of Pharaoh Tut,

Colourwash (mixed media) Egyptian style portraits.

Sculpture: Individual monogram initials using quilling, group work pieces to represent school values using paper sculpture

Collage and digital media

Year 4

Painting and sculpture: columns

Collage and printing: Illustrate a front cover for Beowolf

Drawing and textiles: textile rainforest

Year 5

Textiles: Batik project

Sculpture: Islamic art sculpture

Drawing and digital media: Hans Holbien portrait

Year 6

Painting: self portraits inspired by Dean Russo - pastel, design and create William Morris inspired wallpaper.

Collage: The Thames- Mark Hearld collage


Meaningful links are made to other subject areas, for example history and English to enhance children’s learning.


In art and design, teachers assess children’s progress by making observations during lessons and discussions, using evidence in books and evaluating end projects.  Assessment is used to inform future lessons, ensuring children are supported and challenged appropriately.  Due to the practical nature of art and design, evidence of tasks undertaken by children can be in the form of 2D displays, 3D models and photographs of their work. During units of work, children evaluate their own work and make links to the work of significant artists. Final end of year assessments are made using criteria that have been developed in line with the National Curriculum, to identify the level at which the child is working. Children in Early Years are assessed within Expressive Arts and Design from the Early Years Framework.  Age related expectation levels are reported to parents at the end of each year.

Art and design is monitored through a variety of strategies, including: planning and book scrutiny, lesson observations and pupil voice activities.