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Alexandra Primary School

Mission and Vision

At Alexandra Primary School, we aim to impart lasting knowledge to all our children, through an inspiring and challenging curriculum and a genuine understanding and appreciation of each child.

Our teaching is energising, purposeful and underpinned by continuous improvement, so that all children and staff are motivated to learn, share and retain knowledge.   

We deepen and extend learning through rich experiences, drawing on our supportive and diverse school community and the advantages of our proximity to Richmond Park, London and major sites of historic and cultural interest.

We take pride in how we do things.  Our values are deeply felt, lived and celebrated.   The difference this makes is tangible – our children, staff and parents benefit from a positive culture of achievement, kindness, inclusivity and belonging.

As children progress through the school we create opportunities for memorable academic, social and emotional learning.  Together, these build the foundations of knowledge, confidence and resilience needed for success and opportunity in their lives within and beyond Alexandra Primary School.