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Alexandra Primary School

Parent Workshops

Please see links below for the slides from parent workshops.

All online parent workshops/forums will be held on Google Meet.  When there is a workshop relevant to you, you will receive a Parentmail with the meeting code.  

You don't need a google account to access the meeting, you can either click on the meeting code or copy and paste it into a browser.  

You can turn your camera off if you wish for any meeting by clicking on the camera icon at the bottom of the screen.

Parent Council Meetings

Parent Council meeting - Alexandra Vision 2030 02.07.24

Parent Council meeting - Extended School Provision 29.02.24

Parent Council meeting - Teaching and Learning: Cold Calling 30.12.23

Parent council meeting - Adaptive teaching for higher attainers 09.03.23

Parent Council meeting - health, wellbeing & safeguarding 09.02.23

Parent Council meeting - Quality first teaching 24.11.22

Parent Workshops

Reception Phonics Workshop 08.10.24

Year 5 TKA parent presentation 08.07.24

Phonics Screening Parent Workshop 02.05.24

Nursery parent workshop - Promoting Language 23.04.24

Year 6 SATS parents meeting 12.03.24

Children’s Emotional Regulation Workshop 06.02.24

RSE Changing Me Parent Workshop 16.05.23

KS2 maths workshop 01.03.23

KS1 maths workshop 28.02.23

Internet Safety Workshop 31.01.23

KS2 Reading workshop 25.01.23

Supporting KS2 Children with Reading 19.10.22

Year 1 Phonics and Early Reading Workshop 17.11.22

Autumn Term 24 Parent Forums

Year 6 10.09.24

Year 5 17.09.24

Year 2 18.09.24

Year 3 19.09.24

Year 1 19.09.24

Year 4 20.09.24

Reception 26.09.24

Nursery 03.10.24

Secondary School Application Process

Local authority secondary school Sept 2025 presentation

26.09.22 Secondary School Application Meeting

School Trip Presentations

Year 5 Residential October 24

Year 6 Residential July 25