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Alexandra Primary School

School Lunches

School meals are provided by Caterlink, and are available to book on Parentpay.  We kindly ask that all bookings for school lunches are made at least 2 days in advance.

Please click here for the Summer 2 menu choices.

 Univeral Free School Meals are available to all children from Reception to Year 6. Information about applying for Free School Meals can be found here.


Special Diets

If your child requires a special diet due to medical reasons (due to food allergy, food intolerance, and or other medical conditions, eg coeliac disease), please download this form and forward with a copy of the medical evidence to the office. Please also read the LACA special diets guide, which Caterlink follow.

Please be aware that it can take up to 6 weeks from the point you submit your special diet request form to Caterlink for a menu to be agreed that meets the health needs of your child. This lead in time is important as all requests must be passed through Caterlink’s central nutritionist team for approval. This time allows the nutritionists to properly evaluate your child's meal needs and recommend a menu. Whilst all efforts are made to develop menus in as short a timeframe as possible it is important that we take the time to do this properly. If
you delay submitting your requirements this could lead to a delay in your child being able to access a school meal. The deadline for submission for September 2024 is 19th July 2024. If this date is missed Caterlink will do all they can to process your request as quickly as possible but an agreed menu for your child cannot be guaranteed for the start of the new term.

Packed Lunches

If you do not require school meals, please make sure your children bring their named healthy packed lunches to school in the morning. Our school has a nut-free policy as we have some children with severe allergies. Packed lunches must NOT contain any nuts or nut products (for example: peanut butter, nutella, pesto), sesame seeds (including houmous), sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks, cans or glass bottles.​ We are a 'water only' school, so only water should be given for lunches.