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Alexandra Primary School

Sports Day

Sports Day takes place on Friday 7th June 2024. 


How can I best watch my child during sports day?

Each class will have a base where they will stay at for the duration of the day. Each class will also have its designated parent viewing section (coned off) nearby the class. We ask for parents to please stay inside these sections (we can adjust the size during the day if needed). These sections are alongside the classes racing area are there is plenty of room for the best view. This will allow us to better supervise the children and ensure a smooth running of the event. For parents with multiple siblings taking part at the same time, you are free to walk between spectator sections to view events at your leisure. We will provide signage on the day to indicate where each class and parent group are located.

Can I take my child if they need the toilet/upset etc?

This is a school day and a school event. Therefore the children are under the school's care whilst at sports day. This means that if your child needs the toilet, is hungry or is feeling upset and in need of TLC, it is the school staff's responsibility and not the parents. We ask that you stay inside the parents viewing section and only leave to see your child if a school adult has asked for your assistance or it is the end of the sports day.
I need to speak to the teacher about my child, can I speak to them at Sports Day?

Please only talk to the teacher about sports day related matters, as they will be busy organising the children and the events.  If you have any other questions, they will be happy to meet you at another time.

What do the children need for Sports Day?

On Sports Day all children should come to school in their PE kit.  We ask that children wear a t-shirt that matches the colour of their House (Oak - yellow, Maple - red, Willow - blue, Beech - green)

The children will be outside (hopefully in the sunshine) so please make sure that they have a sunhat and have had sun cream applied.

What if it rains?

We always hope the sun will shine for Sports Day.  If the weather is slightly overcast we will still have Sports Day.

In the event of heavy rain we will cancel the Sports Day.  Parents will be informed via Parentmail. If Sports Day is cancelled we shall reschedule it for Friday 14th June.  If it rains again on this second attempt, then we will not have a Sports Day.

How do the parents get access to Dinton Field?

Parents access the field via the gate on St Agatha's Drive.  Please note there is no parking available on site, so we would recommend walking. The gate will be opened at 9.45am on the day. 

What time does Sports Day start?

Sports Day for Reception - Year 2 is from 10am to 12pm. Children should arrive at school at the normal time, and will be walked down to Dinton Field in their class groups. Some parents will be required to help walk the children there and back - please speak to your child's class teacher if you are able to help. Sports Day for children in Years 3 - 6 starts at 12.45pm and finishes for 3pm.

Can I give food and drink to my child during Sports Day?

Please do not give your child any food during Sports Day.  This is still a day at school. If you need to deliver forgotten lunch boxes or snacks, please pass these to the class teacher.  Please ensure your child brings a packed lunch and a full water bottle to school with them.

Can I take pictures of my child during Sports Day?

Of course you can take pictures of your child.  Please be mindful of other children around them. However, we would politely request for you not to post pictures of the Sports Day onto social media.

How is Sports Day organised – what do the children do? 

Each class will have a base which they will stay at for the duration of the day. The events are moved around so that classes do not need to move. These events range from dressing up and an obstacle course to more athletic events such as sprinting and Javelin.

After all classes have completed the events, there will be a mixed year group relay race (and long distance race for KS2) where all classes and parents will be moved to the centre of the field to watch. Please follow the instructions given on the day so that you know where to stand.

When can we take our children home?

For Reception - Year 2, please collect at the end of the day from school. Please do not take your child home at lunchtime.

For year 3 - 6, you have the choice of collecting your child directly from Dinton fields (please fill in this form to let us know) or your child will be walked back to school.

What happens at the end of the morning Sports Day?

At the end of Sports Day there will be a family lunch on Dinton Field. You are welcome to bring lunch to eat with your child. Children from Years 3-6 will be brought to the field for 12pm to have lunch with their family and friends at the same time. After lunch at 12.45pm, we ask that parents leave (unless they are staying to watch a KS2 child), and children will return to school with their teacher.

Please do not take your child for lunch without letting a school adults know first. Your child MUST stay on Dinton throughout lunch. 

What happens at the end of the afternoon Sports Day?

When the Sports Day for years 3-6 has finished, you may take your child directly home, as long as you have filled in this form