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Alexandra Primary School

Year 6


Grace Morgan Class Teacher
Rose Peacock Class Teacher
Jacky Sewter HLTA
Holly Loveless Learning Assistant
Sandra Perdomo Strauch Learning Assistant
Hafida Saidi Learning Assistant
Lorraine Porcher Learning Assistant
Joanna Stefanienko Learning Assistant


Lucy Rayner Class teacher
Rose Peacock Class teacher
Jacky Sewter HLTA
Sandra Perdomo Strauch Learning Assistant
Hafida Saidi Learning Assistant

Please click here for the full year overview of learning by subject. 

Weekly update: 07.02.25

Dates of note:
Junior Citizen: Tuesday 11th February. 
Please sign the parent consent form. Children will need to bring a packed lunch that day.

This is what we have been up to this week:

It has been a busy week of planning and writing! The children have been working hard to finish drafting their informal letters, and we have now moved on to planning and writing third-person narratives. The story follows our main character as they accidentally come across a concentration camp in Germany. The narratives are incredibly atmospheric, and we have been very impressed with the children’s choice of vocabulary to describe the setting. Next week, they will continue drafting and then write up their final pieces.  

We finished off our ratio learning at the beginning of the week with a lesson on increasing and decreasing recipes using ratio - a useful life skill as well as a mathematical skill! We have moved on to area, perimeter and volume, which will cover a recap of prior learning in Year 4 & 5 as well as new learning in understanding how to calculate the area of triangles and parallelograms. 


Our study of World War II continued this week with an exploration of the large-scale evacuation of children from cities across the UK. We will be delving further into this topic for the remainder of the half-term. 
The children have shown great engagement and focus during our history lessons, demonstrating a keen interest in understanding this significant period. As we explore the impact of war and prejudice on different communities and individuals, we recognise that this is a deeply thought-provoking topic that may evoke a range of emotions. While these discussions help develop historical understanding and empathy, we also recognise that they can lead to strong feelings. We encourage all of our children to be kind and respectful towards one another, particularly when discussing sensitive topics, such as discrimination.
We appreciate your support in reinforcing these values at home, reminding the children that history teaches us the importance of unity, respect, and understanding. If you have any concerns or feel your child needs additional support, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Our topic this half-term has been Cubism. The children have really enjoyed exploring this style, as it is accessible to everyone—you don’t need to be a brilliant artist to create Cubist art! Last week, they spent the lesson designing a background for their final piece, working hard to blend their oil pastel colours smoothly. This week, we focused on the foreground, where they created a guitar. Since it's Cubist art, they had the freedom to cut up their guitar and arrange it however they liked—the crazier, the better!  

Please ensure that your child is completing their homework on time each week and bringing in their books on Thursdays. If your child is struggling with the content of the homework, please inform their class teacher and we would be more than happy to help them.